Updated Staged Shots

How could I forget to show closer pics of the decorated rooms?

The office
Main Bedroom
The living room
The kitchen
The foyer/dining room
The daughter’s room
The bathroom
3rd floor hall
2nd floor hall

There will definitely be more updates, especially around the holidays, & when new things are added!

The End?

The final room to showcase is the main bedroom, so here’s a before & after of that before the BIG stuff.

It’s so much brighter in there, and that horrible pink wall is GONE.

Now, for the exciting news: the renovation is DONE! All the scraping, priming, painting, measuring, & cutting is done. Now, I get to sit back, relax a little, and enjoy the fruits of my labor. To celebrate, how about some befores & afters of both the newly finished interior AND exterior?

A refresher of what the exterior looked/looks like. Not much of a change, but I love the new blue better. And the shutters just POP!
The interior! It’s SO much brighter, cleaner (8 years in a crate did a number on it), and happier.

So, what’s next? Clearly, this isn’t the end. I still have a lot of decorating to do. We’re also going to mount the house on a board/lazy Susan for easy access to all sides. There will definitely be more blog posts, too. I still have a few surprises up my sleeve! I can say that there will be a post of each room in its “final” (as of now) form.

Thanks to everyone who has supported me through this crazy renovation. For someone who’s never really handled something so involved, I’m actually proud of myself and the design choices I made.

Have a question? Want to see a pic of something up close? Feel free to ask! I’m very proud to talk about my creation.

More Befores and Afters

A little more finished, with furniture! And, a bonus shot.

Third floor hall.
Foyer – I’ve since added the trim around the doorways.
Daughter’s bedroom.
Kitchen – see how many tiny details you can spot!
Living room. Along with that wainscoting, I built the shelving units!
Office. I’d like to make a little shelving unit for the right side wall.
Bonus! A head-on view of the fireplace surround.

Well, there it is for now. Next time I post, it’ll be the rest of the rooms, & the house will be *completed!

*well, except for decorative touches & clean up.

Befores and Afters in the Dollhouse

I’ve been working pretty hard on my Beacon Hill, so I figured it was time to show off a little of what I’ve done so far. There’s still a long way to go, but the strides I’ve made make me pretty proud.

Without further ado…the befores and afters!

Third floor hall BEFORE
Third Floor Hall BEFORE
Third Floor Hall AFTER

The “wallpaper” on the sides in the BEFORE shot was…wait for it…copy paper. Yikes!

The Master Bedroom BEFORE.
Master Bedroom AFTER

It looks so much brighter! And I didn’t totally botch the wallpaper.

Kitchen BEFORE
Kitchen AFTER. Paneling still needs to go up, but here’s a little preview of what it’ll look like with the new furniture!

That’s all for now. More to come! The next step once the floors are in will be wainscoting, trim, doors… Still a long way to go before the *official* move in.

Renewal: Dollhouse Edition

When I was 12, I went shopping with my parents. We passed an unfinished furniture store, and a gorgeous dollhouse caught my eye. I decided I HAD to have it. So, I saved every bit of money I could, then bought it for myself.

It sat in a box until I turned 18. My boyfriend at the time helped me put it together. Not the greatest, but I loved it. It was mine. I ended up marrying someone else, and my dollhouse sat in a place of honor for several years and two moves.

My husband’s work brought us to a new state, and there was no place for my dollhouse. It sat in a crate in the garage for eight years, until we converted a small, extra garage/storage area into an office/craft room. My Beacon Hill finally was HOME.

It doesn’t seem like it in the picture above, but it looked rough from the years of neglect (not to mention a bad paint job). I cleaned it up and sanded it to give myself a smooth surface. Then, I primed everything but the porches, the base, the shingles, and the chimney.

Priming starts!

It took a couple coats to get the blue covered. OH! I also took the sandpaper (yes, SANDPAPER) off the tops of the bay windows and primed those, too.

I wanted to stay close to the original color, but tone it down a little. I found a beautiful blue that fit perfectly. I even painted the shutters black. Now, it POPPED.

There were just two more things I wanted to do to make the house look the way I wanted: wood for the porch, and copper for the windows.

Real wood dollhouse flooring from Jeepers Miniatures.
Yes, that’s real copper sheeting, specifically for crafting. A PAIN to install, but it’s gorgeous!

And here it is! Ugh. It’s so pretty. I’m THRILLED by the progress. I have to add copper to the rounded windows, and touch up paint in a couple of places (and remove paint from the windows), but the exterior is done! Next up: the ::gulp:: interior. That’s going to be a little harder. Carpet and wallpaper to remove. Rewiring (probably). Plus all the sanding, painting, and redecorating.

Thanks for reading!